Owners: Own Your Health

OWNERS Own Their Health! Own Yours!

Enroll for FREE! Using the acronym, O.W.N.E.R.S, Beckie Dragon teaches you the basics of Owning Your Own Health. Using these principles, Beckie overcome chronic illness and weight issues. She shares them here in this free course.

Course Information

  • Maybe you are on a prescription drug for an ailment, and you would like to find a natural way to take care of the problem.
  • Maybe you have started one drug only to be given another drug for the side effects. I have heard of people who have been on up to 14 or more drugs a day.
  • Maybe you are facing surgery and you would just like to see if there is another option first.
  • Maybe you want to make changes in how you take care of your health, but you don’t know where to begin.
  • Maybe you are desperate enough that you are willing to try anything that could help.
  • Maybe it’s not even YOU, but you are watching a loved one struggle with their health. I don’t know about you, but for me THAT is even harder than your own suffering. In today’s world either you or someone you know struggles with health challenges.
  • Maybe you have had a mental, emotional, or physical issue.

If you can relate to any of these things this message is for you!

I know there are thousands of people who have completely turned their lives around by taking action to OWN THEIR HEALTH. It never surprises me, but always amazes me how putting yourself in the right environment can transform your health. It happens every day for people like you who finally decided there must be a better way. Chronic ailments do not have to be a life sentence. If you put the body in the right conditions, a “greenhouse” so to speak, it can thrive just like a plant in a greenhouse.

To talk about being the owner of your own health I am going to use the acronym OWNERS. It will give you the basics of what you can do to begin taking charge of your own health.

Course Instructor

Beckie Dragon Beckie Dragon Author

Beckie Dragon suffered with chronic health and weight issues for many years until she took ownership of her health and created a wellness home. She now shares the tools, knowledge and resources that helped her transform her life at ManorOfHappiness.org.

Free OWNERS Course


Free Self-Paced Course which includes 4 audios.